THE BRITISH SCHOOL´S BIRTHDAY - 114 YEARS Whole School Once again we rejoiced in celebrating the School's birthday as is our tradition.
CAS - ALFAREROS TO THE MOVIES! Senior Last Wednesday, 5th October, 5YL students who work with the Club de niños Alfareros for their CAS project, went to the Movie Cinema to accompany and enjoy a children's film with 63 children and teenagers from Alfareros
U20 FOOTBALL CHAMPIONS OF THE LIGA UNIVERSITARIA Senior After 21 years without achieving it, the U20 football was proclaimed champion of the University League tournament.
SENIOR INTERHOUSE Senior On a splendid day with clear skies we celebrated another School birthday after a two-year break.
1YL HOCKEY & RUGBY TRIP TO PUNTA DEL ESTE Senior On the weekend of 8th and 9th October, we travelled with 37 boys and 34 girls of 1YL to play rugby and hockey to Maldonado.
2YL WELCOMES THE URUGUAYAN AUTHOR MARCOS VÁZQUEZ Senior On Wednesday, 28th September, 2YL students welcomed Uruguayan writer Marcos Vázquez to the Auditorium.
EY - LETS PLAY TOGETHER Junior On a beautiful sunny day, Kinder and Prep students, together with their peers and families were invited to the School to play together.
KINDER - VISIT BOTANICAL GARDEN Junior In the midst of the Unit of Inquiry "Mini Beasts", Kinder students visited the Botanical Gardens in an outdoor learning experience
LID TOURNAMENT Senior On Thursday, 8th September, the School participated in a LID Athletics tournament with some 1YL, 2YL y 3YL students in the Official Athletics Track.
SPECIAL ASSEMBLY FOR QUEEN ELIZABETH II Whole School On Tuesday, 13th September, the School held a special whole School assembly in the Gymnasium to commemorate Queen Elizabeth II’s life.
F5 & F6 VISIT FROM FALKLAND ISLANDERS Junior Forms 5 and 6 thoroughly enjoyed a recent assembly led by some Falkland Islanders who work in the agricultural and farming industry.