The British Schools' Mission
The Mission of The British Schools' community is to:
- form self-confident, creative, inquiring, discerning, fully bilingual students who will strive to develop their talents to the best of their abilities;
- strive for the highest standards, providing the educational environment and infrastructure to help students to achieve excellence according to their potential in academics, arts and sports, while recognising individual differences and needs;
- instil the importance of all human values (including moral, aesthetic, spiritual and social) in all aspects of personal growth and physical development;
- encourage and promote a sense of belonging, a deep rooted pride and affection for the School as an Institution, its traditions, School Spirit and institutional memory;
- instil in students the finest aspects of Uruguayan and British values and culture, such as a sense of justice, self-discipline, tolerance and civility, while also offering them the best possible preparation for life in an intercultural setting within a global community;
- develop in students a sense of profound empathy and an awareness of their responsibility to their community and the need to use their gifts and experience for the good of the world.
PERFICE - be thorough