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Health and Safety

Emergency Medical Assistance

The School is covered by a private medical service – SEMM - which provides 24/7 emergency response for ALL individuals (students, staff, visitors) when on the School site or on School trips/visits.

First Aid

 A medical professional able to provide First Aid at School is available as described below:

Monday to Friday from 08:00am to 04:30pm (First Aid/Infirmary - Junior East Wing) and from 04:30pm to 06:00pm (Sports House)

Saturdays from 08:00 to 01:00pm (Sports House) 

Outside of these hours, the person responsible for contacting the Emergency Medical Assistance is the Security Supervisor.   

Emergency Evacuation Procedures

The School has clearly defined emergency evacuation procedures and a designated Crisis Management Team (CMT) responsible for managing all emergency situations. Evacuation drills are carried out periodically. In the event of any emergency, the CMT communicates with parents regarding the procedures for collecting students.

AED - Automated External Defibrillator

The School has four Automated External Defibrillators, located at strategic points in the School: Gymnasium, Senior School and Junior School and First Aid.

The School staff participates regularly in training provided by CEPRIE  (Centro de Prevención y Instrucción en Emergencias) to ensure First Aid knowledge and how to use the AED in case of emergency. 

Medical Certification

In accordance with local law regulations, all students are required to present a valid Certificado del Niño/a (ages 4 to 11) or Certificado del/de la Adolescente (ages 12 to 19) prior to admission into School – and renewed annually thereafter. This certificate is issued by the individual student’s Paediatrician or Medical Doctor and must include all vaccinations required by local health and education authorities. This certificate (if complete) allows the student to participate in P.E. activities and weekend sports. Senior School students who participate in competitive sports organised by local sporting bodies may need to obtain their Certificado de Aptitud Deportiva at the Centro Médico Deportivo del Ministerio de Deporte. The certificate must be presented annually (in March).