We welcomed back the beginning of the academic year with an assembly in the Gymnasium where we were delighted to see everyone again after the long summer holidays. It is always good to see the whole school together. There were speeches from the Principal, Mark Rosevear, the Head Girl, Sol Slinger, and Head Boy, Andrés Chang.
We are looking forward to the challenges ahead, since 2019 will be an exciting year, with some of the highlights being the New Zealand, Australia and Japan Rugby Tour, Mamma Mia, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and LAMUN, to name just a few.
Mark Rosevear´s Speech:
I know this is unusual for you all to meet together on the first day back after a long holiday, but it is what happens in a lot of the schools I know, and something that for sure would have happened here at The British Schools in the past. Why we stopped this practice I do not know, but we will come together more often.
People normally come together to celebrate something. We are celebrating the start of a new school year. Every year brings new expectations. For some of you this is an important year as there are academic exams that you need to take. Don’t be afraid of them, don’t worry about them, but do work for them. This is the same for all activities you do. The saying, first attributed to Benjamin Franklin of ‘if you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail’, is true of everything we do. So whether it is your academic work, a sports tour, acting in a musical or whatever you like doing, prepare well so you enjoy it more when it comes along.
There are some new faces amongst us. Some of them are teachers and some are students, but both will be both a little nervous and excited as you start a new part of your lives. We welcome all of you to The British Schools.
We have a beautiful school with lots of grass and open spaces. Help us to look after it all of the time. Don’t leave your rubbish for someone else to collect. Put it away when you have finished. Wear your uniform correctly and with pride. It identifies you as a member of this community, one of a long line of students to be educated here, and with many more to come in the future.
We have over 1500 people living and working together at school each day. With that number of people, there have to be some rules. It was said of one famous school that they had only two rules, ‘be true and be kind’. It would be nice if it was that simple, but if everyone follows that simple advice, we can all maximize what we want to achieve.
Before I ask our Head Boy and Head Girl, Andres Chang and Sol Slinger, to speak to you with their own messages, I would like to take the opportunity to wish all of our Y6 students in particular a very successful year. It is your last year with us, so please make the most of it.
Sol Slinger´s speech:
Good morning to you all,
A few days ago, I was telling my brothers that this was going to be my last first day of school. And they asked me why was I saying this in a sentimental tone; they thought I should be happy that school is finally over and I was able to play Fortnite all day. However, let me tell you that there is no other place I would rather be. What I’m saying might sound strange, but if these past thirteen years have taught me something, is that this school will always be my home. So, let me use this first day of school to tell you the three reasons why I can say this.
Reason number one
Everyone can have their own place here
What I mean, is that whatever your dreams and passions are, you’ll always have somewhere at school where you can develop them. You like dancing, singing or acting? You can join Scottish, choir or be a part of the school plays. Do you like thinking and strategy? You can join robotics, chess club, or math Olympics. Do you like debating? You can join Model United Nations. Are you more of a sports person? You can be part of the rugby, football, hockey, handball, or basketball team.
You get what I’m trying to point out. The doors are already open for you, now it’s up to you. Please let this new year surprise you, and try, with an open and willing mind, any of these activities.
Reason number two
You learn you can.
New year’s come with fears. Maybe your Pyp exhibition is nearby, the Egreso exam, IGCSE or even the IB exams. And for sure, this can make you feel insecure; and it is normal. But keep in mind that at school everyone is there to help you and show you the way. Of course, some things will be more challenging than others this year, but as the quote goes, believe you can and you’re halfway there.
Reason number three
My friends are here. The best thing of all.
These are the only years -for us the last- to see our friends 24/7. The school is not only the place where most of these friendships began but also, the place where they kept growing and evolving. Please, enjoy and value that you can play, talk, and share moments with your friends every day.
All mentioned reasons are what makes me proud to be member of The British Schools. Thus, although I know boys don’t like to cut their hair and girls don’t like to be called up due to their nail polish, when I see someone passing by, wearing the school uniform, I instantaneously feel him or her as part of my family.
To close up, remember you are what makes the school better than Fortnite, you are the one responsible for making your school life amazing. So please, take risks this year and try to join a new team or activity, and believe in yourself. But overall, enjoy every single day here. Because once you get to sixth year, you realize time goes by too quickly.
Thank you, and good luck to you all in this new year!
Andres´ Chang speech:
Good morning to you all.
If my voice trembles or if I mumble it is probably because I am nervous. I don't reeaaaally like talking in public so bear with me.
Welcome back to another school year; my generation is currently on our last year of school and that gives us a lot of experience. As a sixth year student I would like to share with you how I managed throughout my school years.
I used to think that when summer was gone so was the fun and the responsibilities from school began. But now that I think about it, many of my best memories and anecdotes come from within this school's walls. I would like to think that this is the case of all of you too. Although we have to study a lot, we have various occasions and activities where we enjoy ourselves. For example, hanging out with friends at the pavilion or in the fields. Beating your classmates at rugby, hockey, or football; or even passing a test you thought you would fail. These are the moments that encourage me to come to school. For sure lots of new memories will be made this school year.
The school allows both students to learn not only subjects but values, and it also allows them to take part in varied activities. If you like sport you can join the rugby team with Cesar or if you enjoy calmer activities you can join the chess club in junior or the knitting club. Debating, acting, dancing, the school offers all these activities that can be done by any student. This does not only allow people to do something they enjoy but it creates unity in the school.
Although there is an age gap between the generations, the school constantly works on closing this gap and unifying the school. All the activities in school aim towards, not only the growth of a student but in the integration of every student in something they enjoy.
We may all belong to different generations and have different tastes but we are all from the same school. The British Schools. This is the aim the school has this year; the unification of the whole school.
A word of advice for students; the year you are going to go through is probably not as hard as people tell you it is. So don't be afraid of it.
Thank you, and have a great school year.