On Wednesday 31st July, we successfully celebrated another Non Uniform - House day, with the main objective in collecting toys for hundreds of children within the institutions the School works with. This was a whole school initiative and both in Senior and Junior students filled with bags were seen everywhere.
In Senior, under the logo "Give toys, give joy" we will share the toys with the following institutions: Alfareros, Caif del Lago, CADI, Cottolengo Femenino, Cottolengo Masculino, Don Bosco Preescolares, Don Bosco Escolares, Escuela 183, Escuela Lido and Jardín de infantes 283.
Some of our students´ reflections:
"Giving toys is a way of giving joy" Juan Deffeminis
"Donating a toy goes beyond the act of knowing that it will be given away. It is the feeling, the imagination of seeing each of the children who receives one of these that warms and pleases the heart. Every smile, laugh and memory you had playing with them, now you are giving others the chance to share this. Each of us makes life with what we give, because it is in the act of giving where we present our vitality. Thus, to donate a toy has a deeper and more beautiful meaning, it is the ability to provide happiness to others with small acts, to enjoy the grace of life even if there are obstacles and even more, as Mahatma Ghandi once said “the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others”, because in it, we nurture each other's sharing". Sofía Collazo.