School Houses are one of the School’s core traditions. But what do you really know about our Houses?
Boys' Houses were first named after early Headmasters, then names for the girls' Houses were chosen and colours given to align them with the boys'.
The names of the Houses are:
QUEENS (blue) JONES (blue)
KINGS (red) BLOUNT (red)
PRINCES (green) CUFF (green)
Every year, House Captains and Vice-Captains are appointed by an election process in which students and staff participate. Some of the attributes looked for include being a positive leader, having a strong sense of School Spirit, being supportive to friends and peers, responsible and committed, being respectful and fair and having good organisation skills. We use Houses competitively but in friendly competition, academic, quizzes, sports, etc.
This long-standing tradition always evokes a tremendous sense of camaraderie and School Spirit, as students across age groups compete for those most treasured of all treasures – House Points!
Since the whole School is divided into the three colours, students and staff from each of the Houses, Queens & Jones, Princes & Cuff and Kings & Blount, combine their skills and talents to collaborate in whichever competition is organised:Treasure hunts, Quidditch matches, Quizzes, Sports events, etc.
Children whose parents are alumni continue the tradition of being the same House as their families.
For more information on our School Houses, check on the article on page 12 on Insight.