Remembrance Day - "Poppy Appeal" -

Remembrance Day - "Poppy Appeal" -

► WWI Centenary (1918-2018)

Across the world on Remembrance Sunday, 11th November, 2018, nations, communities and individuals of all ages will come together to mark, commemorate and remember the lives of those who lived, fought and died in the First World War. One hundred years on, many are connected to the First World War, either through their own family history, the heritage of their communities or because of its long-term impact on society and the world we live in today.

► What is the Poppy Appeal?

Each year, volunteers distribute the Royal British Legion's iconic paper poppies. These bright paper flowers are sold as the charity collect donations in return to help support the work they do for the Armed Forces community. The poppy is worn as a symbol of Remembrance, to remember those who lived, fought, and died in conflict.

► When is Armistice Day?

Armistice Day commemorates the signing of the armistice between the Allies and Germany at 11am on 11th November, 1918. On this date, there is a two-minute silence held to mark the occasion - on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month - and remember those killed in the two World Wars and the 12,000 British service men and women killed or injured since 1945.

► What is the Story of the Poppy?

In the spring of 1915, shortly after losing a friend in Ypres, a Canadian doctor, Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae was inspired by the sight of poppies growing in battle-scarred fields to write a now famous poem called 'In Flanders Fields'. After the First World War, the poppy was adopted as a symbol of Remembrance.

Each November at The British Schools, poppies are available for those who wish to buy them in the Junior building (Secretary area and Reception). The money is then sent to the British Embassy in Montevideo.