Reducing Trays at the Kiosk - A Junior Student Initiative

An initiative from students in Junior for the School to be more 'environmentally friendly'.
The attachment below is a letter written by a Form 4 student at the end of 2015, in a class that formed a part of the PYP transdisciplinary theme “Sharing the Planet”. The PYP is based on inquiry, and the final stage of inquiry is acting on what has been discovered during the investigation.
Together with the caterer, the School determined that we should put this student initiative into action. Starting from Monday 11th April, as many of the Styrofoam “trays” as possible will be substituted by simple plastic wrapping. Although this will have the effect of both making the food appear less attractive and the portion smaller, it is hoped that we can count on the support of the community in realising this reasonable, thoughtful, and practical aspiration of students.