Nutrition Workshop

Nutrition Workshop

On August 7th, 2018, the School´s Nutrition team participated in a workshop organised by the MSP, ANEP, IMM and INDA concerning the law of healthy eating for educational centers (Law 19.140). The workshop consisted of the presentation of the Law and then there was a hands-on approach consisting on the preparation of some foods following then M.S.P´s established steps. The objective of the law is to promote a healthy diet and encourage physical exercise through the implementation of healthy eating habits. The increase in the rate of overweight and obesity affects our population and the entire world. It is necessary to encourage the consumption of natural foods, minimally processed, recovering the taste for natural flavours and aromas. It is recommended to avoid the excessive addition of salt and sugar to the preparations, as well as empty calories, lacking in nutrients.

Some aspects established by law:

  • Do not show the salt shaker in dining rooms
  • Prohibits commercial brand advertising and display in canteens
  • It does not allow the sale of sugary soft drinks and the light versions of these drinks are at the sole discretion of each institution´s policy, not allowing them to be in view. Positively encourage water consumption
  • Energy drinks: they are not recommended, except in sports centers where their use is justified according to nutritional requirement
  • Exhibition: half of the showcase should be occupied by natural or minimally modified foods (whole or sliced fruit, natural juices, smoothies, water with added fruit, mint, rosemary, lemon), fresh salads; etc. A quarter of the exhibition should be used to display homemade bakery products, without the addition of Trans fats, conservatives, dyes and in individual portions. In the remaining space, there should be products such as cereals, nuts, concentrated juices, etc
  • Snack portions: they must correspond to the size of a portion not exceeding 200kcal
  • Include coeliac foods

Some aspects to remember:

  1. Enjoy the food: eat slowly and, when you can, do it in company
  2. Base your diet on natural foods and avoid the consumption of ultra-processed products on a daily basis, with excessive amounts of fats, sugar and salt
  3. Start your day with a good breakfast and do not skip meals
  4. Cooking your own food is good: discover the taste for cooking as a shared activity
  5. Be critical of the information and advertising messages you receive about food
  6. Accumulate at least two and a half hours of physical activity per week and decrease the time you spend sitting

Source: M.S.P. General Board of Health Nutrition Program Area
