Natalia Balmori Teacher of Maths in Senior

You will recall that in 2014 Natalia Balmori, Teacher of Maths in Senior, was diagnosed with a serious form of cancer which demanded intensive treatment and a prolonged absence from school.  We are happy to report that Natalia has recovered from the numerous exigencies of the disease.  However, due to the stresses and strains of working as a teacher, Natalia has decided to take a rest from The British Schools. 

Natalia would like to thank all in The British Schools community who gave so generously and willingly of their time and money to help her in this most difficult period of her life.  She will marry in February next year; so this really is a good news item:

Querida comunidad educativa,

Quiero dirigirme en estas líneas a todos mis compañeros, colegas, amigos, alumnos, familias, funcionarios del colegio. Finaliza el 2015 con grandes noticias, y no me queda más que AGRADECER.
Gracias por acompañarme en esta tormenta, por hacerme presente en sus pensamientos y hacerme llegar tantos gestos de amor. Les dejo un abrazo bien fuerte y los mejores deseos para el año 2016.
Me despido con la esperanza de volvernos a encontrar pronto, en cualquier lugar.

Muchas, muchas gracias.