An event that marks a huge milestone in British history could not go unnoticed. This week was all about celebrating 70 years of the reign HRH Queen Elizabeth: her history, her life.
Several exhibitions were staged in the Junior corridor, whereas a timeline was created for the Senior corridor. The Union Jack decorated doors and corridors, teachers included the topic in their classes. The Pavilion was dressed for the occasion and the menu were dishes of the very tradicional British cuisine: fish and chips, carrot cake, scones etc. Senior students decorated the Pavilion in British fashion, and all during Wednesday, British tunes livened up the atmosphere.
Senior held an assembly to commemorate the occasion, with a presentation to walk students through the queen´s life and reign.
The highlight of the week was the Tree planting. The School joined The Queen´s Green Canopy a tree planting initiative to "plant a tree for the Jubilee". HRH Ambassador to Uruguay, Ms Faye O'Connor OBE had the honour, together with some Board members and School authorities, to plant five trees in the School fields.