Coming Soon - IB Visual Arts Exhibition

Coming Soon - IB Visual Arts Exhibition

We are delighted to introduce the work of our 24 IB Visual Arts students.  The Exhibition is open to the School Community from Thursday, 4th to Wednesday, 10th October, between 8:00 am and 7:00 pm.
In creating these works the students have applied a variety of attributes such as being open-minded, reflective, critical thinkers and inquirers, as well as being able to enhance their communicative abilities.

The role of Contemporary Art is to delve into and unveil what might not be visible in our contemporary world. It aims to pose questions and stimulate the ability of inquiry and reflection. As such, it is the message that gains importance evidenced through the different media and their material significance.

By redefining established beliefs, our students intend to generate a critical sense of a reality that is close to them.  

We hope you enjoy the Exhibition.