Children who play chess have moves mapped out to the boardroom

Lord Price, who earlier this month stepped down from his role as minister of state for trade and investment, said that the skills he learned from playing chess at school have proved invaluable in business. “You need to try and understand the game from your opponent’s point of view,” he said. “So much of life is about thinking about the people around you – what are they thinking? What are they going to do?” Lord Price, 56, said that a good chess player does not rush in, but rather, they stop and think before making each move. “Planning, organising, thinking about your next move - that allows you to manage situations so you are never caught on the hop,” he said. “It makes you more in control of your actions, as you have already thought about all the scenarios.” Lord Prince, a former deputy chair of the John Lewis Partnership, said that thinking several steps ahead is the “absolute foundation” of negotiating business deals. “There is no doubt that games like chess that develop strategic thinking are really important to business people as they develop their career,” he said.
Our School has been proudly hosting a Chess group for over 10 years. This is a Junior-based activity, in which we hope to involve all of our students keen for the complex logic behind such an ancient and mind-boggling game. The club is open to those who are at least in F2 (in order to best comprehend the rules in English). It is an optional activity and every student is invited to participate. The club gets together in two weekly 30-minute sessions. Form 2 students come on Tuesday, and Thursdays are the days for Form 3, F4, F5 and F6. We invite you all to join our club!
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