CAT 4 -

For the past two weeks, some of the students in Junior and Senior School have been taking the CAT4. The Cognitive Abilities Test Fourth Edition (CAT4) is an assessment tool designed to help students and their teachers understand how they learn and what their academic potential might be. It assesses the ability to reason with and manipulate different types of information: how students think with words (verbal reasoning), with numbers (quantitative reasoning), with shapes (non-verbal reasoning) and with shapes in space (spatial reasoning). CAT4 provides teachers with information about individual and group learning profiles which, used with other data, supports teaching and learning for all students. At The British Schools, CAT4 is administered to all Form 3 and Form 5 students in Junior and to all Year 2 and Year 4 students in Senior. In the Junior School, Form 3 and Form 5 teachers have a feedback session with the Learning Support team where the learning profile of their group and individual students are shared and implications for teaching are analysed. Form 5 students also work in small groups with the Learning Support team where they receive personalized feedback about their learning profile, its strengths and weaknesses as well as discussing strategies to help them learn better according to their learning profile. In the Senior School students have an individual meeting with members of the Learning Support Team to receive feedback on their results.
For more information about CAT4: