1st Annual Session THIMUN Latin America

14th - 16th August 2014 - The Hague International Model United Nations (THIMUN) - Official Host: The British Schools, Montevideo.
The 1st THIMUN – The Hague International Model United Nations – in Latin America will be hosted by The British Schools, Montevideo, in August 2014. Amidst some very tough competition, The British Schools won their bid to become the first school in Latin America to host a THIMUN event.
About Model United Nations
The Model United Nations is an academic simulation of the United Nations at a high school level. Participants are given the task of representing a country on a specific UN committee. Delegates must draft statement policies, in accordance with their country’s stance, that express their position. These resolutions propose answers to current international conflicts and issues. Delegates debate and put forward resolutions, which can later be amended through polling procedures. At the end of this process, a final draft of a resolution is voted upon in order to pass or reject it.
Earlier this year - on Saturday, 10th May, The British Schools played host to 130 delegates, committee chairs and directors from six local schools (The British Schools, Richard Anderson, Seminario, St Brendan’s, Stella Maris, and the Uruguayan American School). After the welcome speech by Mr. Alan Ripley, Principal, seven committee groups including the Security Council and Human Rights Committee debated actual United Nations issues like ‘The role of women in rural Latin America’. After two hours of reading statements, lobbying and voting, the students, all dressed in formal outfits, asked for an extra half an hour to finish off - even though it was past lunch time! Everybody enjoyed lunch together in the Pavilion before heading back to the Auditorium for closing speeches by Head of Senior - Iara Lindemann and The British School’s MUN Director Cecilia Pombo. There was consensus agreement that the conference was a real success, everybody who took part got intensely involved, learnt a great deal and generally enjoyed themselves.
The Hague International Model United Nations (THIMUN) is a not-for-profit educational foundation that has links with the United Nations. Its objectives are to advance the interests of international education across national boundaries through the promotion of interaction and dialogue between young people from a variety of countries and school systems. To develop a global awareness among young people, focusing on the formulation of peaceful resolutions to world problems and practicing the communication skills which help foster this education in world citizenship.