On Wednesday, 29th March, the Y11 generation headed to Escuela 42, a rural school in San José, attended only by 5 students, a teacher and a cook. Although participation was voluntary, all the students in Y11 attended the activity. This trip was long overdue since it was initially cancelled due to COVID and last year rainy weather changed the plans, so the Y11 finally had their chance to participate in this activity.
They left the School at 7am together with some teachers and headed for the Escuela 42 where not only the students but the entire community was waiting for them and eagerly joined them in their tasks: painting, setting football goals and sharing quality time with the children.
They stopped the activities to have lunch together and the families presented our students with a fantastic cake they had prepared for the occasion. Gifts were delivered to the students and they shared some songs and games before leaving.
It was a great activity that neither students nor teachers will forget.