Worklinks 6YL

Our Worklinks programme provides an opportunity for students to experience a variety of professions in ´real life´situations. With the kind collaboration of businesses from a variety of areas, students were able to gain very useful hands-on experience of life in the workplace. Victoria Bauzá, our University and Careers Guidance Counsellor worked in collaboration with the Parent's Committee to place 176 students in over 100 companies in Montevideo and the provinces.
This successful programme continues to be very worthwhile and enriching for the students whilst also developing and strengthening the bonds with the wider community. Internships help students to better understand their possible field, cement (or at times change) their career interests and generally provide them with an insight into the world of work.
Quotes from students:
“Worklinks was a great experience for me. It helped me to understand what my future might be like, and made me feel sure about the path I am choosing. I also got to meet new people who are willing to help me.”
“Worklinks fue una gran experiencia. Me ayudó a entender cómo podría ser mi futuro y me dio seguridad acerca del camino que estoy eligiendo. También me permitió conocer gente nueva dispuesta a ayudarme”.
“My Worklinks experience was simply outstanding. Not only did I learn about the different types of lawyers and their functions, I also found out how dedicated you must be to work in internationally recognised legal firms, such as Guyer & Regules.”
“Mi experiencia con Worklinks fue simplemente extraordinaria. No solamente me interioricé sobre los distintos tipos de abogados y sus funciones, sino que también aprendí acerca de la gran dedicación que se requiere para trabajar en estudios legales internacionales como Guyer & Regules”.