On Tuesday, 22nd February, the whole School got together in a WS Assembly. The Assembly took place in the hockey pitch, where students from Prep to 6YL got together for the first time in a while.
Mr Rosevear addressed the crowd, welcoming students and introducing the new staff members:
A warm welcome back to all of you. I hope you all had a good summer and come back ready for the challenges of a new school year. 2021 was a year disrupted by Covid, but we still enjoyed much of what we are used to doing. 2022 will probably have some disruptions, but hopefully nothing on the same scale as what happened before.
Why are we all here today? The answer is because we are a community. We are not a Junior school or a Senior school, but one school. For sure there are differences, not the least being ages and size, but we all share the same campus and the same values. For those of you in Y1, you have moved from Junior to Senior, but it is a move of about 50 metres, nothing more. It is a change in the same way that Prep to Form 1 is a change and Y4 to Y5 is a change. But everyone has the same obligations – to do their best in class and to be good people and friends all of the time.
A school is not only about academic results, although these need to be good! Our results throughout the school last year were excellent, and I am sure those standards will be maintained this year.
In 2021 we had many successeson the sports fields and hopefully this year we will get complete seasons. We are planning for both musicals in Senior and Junior, as well as the UK trip and other activities we value so much. This school offers many opportunities, academic and extra-curricular, so make the most of them.
We have some new members of staff who I would like to introduce to you.
Gabriel Boffano - Angela Barboza - Natalia Moreno - Lucas Rocha - Fabian Segal - Arthur Barinson - Francisca Echezarreta - Ana Guani - Martina Paradela - Florencia Santos - Pia Braga - Josefina Montero - Dolores Brum - Florencia López - Carolina Jara
I would now like to ask Sofia Civetta and Bautista Martínez, our Head Girl and Head Boy to say a few words to you.
Good morning everyone, welcome back!
I hope you enjoyed your holidays and are well rested to start another year at school. I know it might seem that there is a long road ahead of you, and you might be displeased about having to wake up at 7 am again, but trust me when I say, it will be over before you even realize it. This is a very special year for us in Year 6 because it’s our last one at school. Although we are all excited for what is to come, we are also saddened to know this is the last time we will roam the halls of the place we called a second home for the past twelve years. For those of you in first year liceo, who are just beginning your journey across the senior school, and are probably overwhelmed with novelties such as lockers and moving across the building to get to class, please cherish your time here, because it will be shorter than you think and will mark you for years to come. And, for you junior students, who I very much envy because of your lack of homework, make the most of the possibilities that you are given, enjoy learning,and be kind to one another. Perhaps you feel anxious now about starting another academic year with new challenges, such as the PYP exhibition in Form 5, the Egreso in Form 6, the IGCSEs for Year 4, and the IB process in Year 5 & 6. It might be helpful in these cases to consider that, if all previous generations were able to overcome these challenges, you will, too. This might feel like the end of the world now, but keep in mind that the most important thing is to enjoy and make the most of the time you have at school, and that your mental and physical health are a lot more important than any grade. Remember that all teachers and the well-being team are always available to help you and guide you with whatever you need. Also, I would like to extend a warm welcome to the new students, and I hope you feel comfortable here at our school. The last thing left for me to say is: do your best, have fun, and, obviously, know that Bautista and I are here for anything you might need. Have a lovely year, thank you.