THIMUN Goes Back to Latin America

THIMUN launch their new quarterly Newsletter - THIMUN Matters
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The Hague International Model United Nations (THIMUN) is more than a collection of conferences or a network of schools. THIMUN is a vibrant, global community dedicated to developing future leaders. And for thousands of students and teachers worldwide, THIMUN is something that truly matters.
In the spirit of bringing the THIMUN community closer together, we are proud to present the THIMUN Matters Model United Nations Newsletter
A collaborative effort between THIMUN Foundation, THIMUN Qatar, THIMUN O-MUN, and Best Delegate, THIMUN Matters features:
- The latest news and updates on THIMUN Hague and THIMUN-affiliated conferences;
- Stories of delegates and student officers learning leadership through their THIMUN experience;
- Insights from directors and the board on THIMUN’s mission and trends in Model UN;
- Recaps of recent conferences and announcements for upcoming conferences.