The Hague International MUN 2022 Conference
The Hague International Model United Nations (THIMUN) 2022 saw 1595 participants from all over the world debate and actively engage in a five-day long conference.
Originally taking place in The Hague, Netherlands, THIMUN was held online for the second year in a row due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. As the conference was virtual, this caused some technical difficulties for several committees, but they could all easily overcome these issues.
From the 24th to the 28th of January, five of our students participated as delegates in the conference: Bautista Martínez, Carmen Gomensoro (6YL), Francisco Sojo, Franco Malde and Santiago Souto (4YL). Simultaneously, Agustín López (6YL) joined the Youth and Health Committee 2 (YHC2) as a chair where six resolutions out of eight were passed.
In addition, two of our fellow members passed their resolutions as representatives of Belgium; Bautista Martínez in the International Security Council 2 Committee (ISC2) and Francisco Sojo in the Economic 2 committee.
Even if it was a difficult conference, we are overjoyed by the good results that our members achieved and how successful the long hours of debating turned out to be.
Written by Maia lyford-Pike and Valentina Sapia.