Taller de robótica

As part of their college counselling programme the ORT University gave a series of workshops targeted specifically to the female student population. On the 28th of May we went to “Taller de robótica: ¿Si tuvieras un robot, qué le pedirías que hiciera? “.
In this context, two teachers, Claudia Sarubbo and Graciela Cardozo, accompanied an eager group of students from second and third year.
The workshop leader was pleased to discover that The British School's students already knew about Scratch programming, which enabled them to easily access the Robotics programme, Enchanting. The experience was hands on, very productive and met the objectives.
Feedback from the students showed that they found the session fulfilling and, as a result, the majority came back very enthusiastic about Robotics and programming and wanting to learn more about it.