Prizewinning students in "Lawyer and Public Notary for One Day" - UM

The competition “Lawyer and Public Notary for One Day” is organised annually by the Law College of the University of Montevideo for students of 5YL and 6YL; this year was the 17th edition.
It consists of the detailed presentation of a fictitious case in which the different teams participate in roles as plaintiff or defendant, whichever they are allotted through a draw.
There are two stages:
The first stage is to create a judicial document (as a real document of this kind would be); it might be the claim or the opposing arguments, according to the role they are assigned. The best documents in both roles advance to the oral instance, where they participate in a “Final Allegations Hearing” to argue their case at court, the reasons in fact and in law that assist them and why the court should rule in their favour.
Four teams from The British Schools participated in the competition this year (Team 1 – Clara Seizer, María Dolores Alende, Andrés Buero; Team 2 – Manuela Brum and Gian Clerici; Team 3 – Isabel Scavuzzo, María Belén Armas and Juan Passanante; Team 4 – Juan Castelli and Dikran Bakkalian). The teams were advised by Mr. Gonzalo Fernández and Mr. Diego Paseyro.
Our four teams went on to the second stage within the chosen best 20; thus, all of them obtained a 20% scholarship to be applied to the studies of the career in Law at the University of Montevideo. Team 1 won First place for the best claim and Team 2 won Second place.
In the second stage of “Oral Allegations” Teams 1, 2 and 3 classified among the best four in the competition. After a new round of allegations, the Team 1: Clara Seizer, María Dolores Alende and Andrés Buero obtained the First Prize in the Competition, which entitled them to an extra 30% scholarship towards the career. Team 2: Manuela Brum and Gian Clerici gained Third place and both students were awarded an extra 15% scholarship. Finally, Team 3: Isabel Scavuzzo, María Belén Armas and Juan Passanante reached Fourth place and were awarded a 10% extra scholarship.
Student Dikran Bakkalian received a prize as “Outstanding Speaker”.
Congratulations to all of our students who participated with these outstanding performances.
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