The ACBIRP (Asociación de Colegios del Bachillerato Internacional del Rio de la Plata) organises a Prize Giving Ceremony every year to recognize students who obtained 40 points or more in the IB Diploma. This year, the ceremony will take place in Universidad Torcuato di Tella (Buenos Aires) on Tuesday 15th May at 1 pm.
Three Y6L (2017) students obtained an overall excellent result in their IB Diploma: María Cabella (40 points out of 45), Josefina Seizer (41), Camila Römer (40) and have been invited to the ceremony. Unfortunately not all of them can go, so we invited them back to school to say well done and congratulate them on their results.
When the three of them were asked if achieving an IB Diploma score of 40 was difficult, they all agreed it is not impossible. They thought the key to success is having the willingness to work hard and to organise their time in order to comply with every deadline. The three of them agreed that the IB Diploma is hard work, but they still continued with their regular extracurricular hobbies and activities, as well as enjoying their school life and their friends.
María Cabella
Obtained 40 points and in August will be commencing her studies in Economics and French at Northwestern University, Boston, USA. Thanks to her IB and Liceo results she obtained a scholarship and vas invited to join the University´s "Honors Program". She stated that "American universities are interested in the rigour shown in your High School curriculum. They know that the IB is a demanding programme, therefore obtaining a good grade in your IB Diploma shows a degree of commitment and responsibility and that you successfully faced the challenge of preparing it."
Josefina Seizer (Head Girl 2017)
Obtained 41 points and is already studying Economics at the Universidad de Montevideo. She obtained a scholarship thanks to her IB and Liceo results and her performance in the UM Academic Aptitude Test. Josefina mentioned that "I obtained that scholarship for my IB results and the test I took at the UM. Thanks to the knowledge obtained through IB Business and IB Economics courses, I am finding the courses fairly easy, since most of the topics I have already seen."
Camila Römer
Obtained 40 points and is studying Dental Science at UDELAR. She stated that "in some of the subjects I am going once again through topics I already saw in my IB courses. The only difference is that now I see them on a deeper level, but other than that I am having no difficulties."
We are very proud of their achievements, and wish them the best of luck for their future!