Mathematics Inter House

Mathematics Inter House

The Mathematics Inter House competition took place during the second term of the school year, over three rounds, with 93 students participating. It is worth noting the participation of our student Gabriel Faes, who was part of the organisation of the competition.

The finals took place last Friday 26th and involved 14 students:

E. Navarro y A. Zorrilla
J. B. Cat y G. Zugnoni
M. Villar y M. Wajner
C. Dorbessan y S. Atkins
J. E. Young y F. Armas
I. Monsuarez y C. Heijne
P. Beyhaut y D. Fernández
T. Romero y F. Vareika
A. López y B. Martínez

F. Deffeminis y A. Vidal
I. Imhof y F. Schuscheim
I. Svetogorsky y M. Carbajal
M. Dunski
E. Wendel y M. Montaño

The winning pairs of the 2018 Mathematics Inter House were:
M. Villar y M. WajnerP. Beyhaut y D. FernándezI. Imhof y F. Schuscheim

Congratulations to all the students who partook in the competition!