International Year of Pulses 2016

International Year of Pulses 2016

About the International Year of Pulses

In 2013 the United Nations declared that 2016 will be the International Year of Pulses. The hope of the 2016 International Year of Pulses (IYP 2016) is to position pulses as a primary source of protein and other essential nutrients. IYP 2016 will promote broad discussion and cooperation at the national, regional and global levels to increase awareness and understanding of the challenges faced by pulse farmers, be they large scale farms or small land holders.

We invite you to explore this site and learn about the role of pulses:

Some Recipes:

Crema de frijol carita cubierta de maní garapiñado
Una vez cocida la legumbre y reducida a puré nos brinda la oportunidad de poder realizar flanes, budines y compotas. La función de utilizar los granos como el maní de forma garapiñada, es precisamente por el buen empaste y armonía entre estas dos legumbres...

Minestra di riso con le verdure
La minestra di riso con le verdure è una pietanza vegetariana leggera, non contiene patate, è saporita e preparata con zucchine, carote e fagioli. Questa minestra è un primo piatto dal gusto rustico e al tempo stesso delicato, che si può servire accompagnata da crostini o con formaggio grattugiato e...
Quinoa, Black Lentil & Roasted Barley Salad with Chickpeas, Cauliflower, Brussels Sprouts & Pomegranate in Apple Cider Vinegar
Unveiled at the 2015 Australian Grains Industry Conference Gala Dinner in Melbourne, IYP Australian advocate Simon Bryant announced the National Signature Dish Recipe Competition winner, "Quinoa, Black Lentil & Roasted Barley Salad with Chickpeas, Cauliflower, Brussels Sprouts & Pomegranate in Apple Cider Vinegar"...
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