Counselling Department - Talks with Admission Officers from abroad Universities

Our Counselling Department is constantly working to orient and guide our about-to-leave students in all the possibilities available to them once they successfully complete their studies at The British Schools. We strive to encourage them to seek deeply into every possibility, helping and guiding them, providing information on Universities and other educational centers available, not only national but with an international scope. Choosing a career can be difficult, challenging and fearsome but we aim to tackle this with information and knowledge, that is why besides the University Fair which will be held on the 27th September, we invite Admissions Officers from different Universities to talk with students about their Universities, the available Degrees, admission processes etc.
In this case we were delighted to chat with Mr. Daniel Marschner, Phd. Director of International Admission and Outreach of Loyola Marymount University in California, USA and Emilia Hontakly, Dirección de Admisiones, Carreras de Grado, of the Universidad Austral of Argentina.
The activity was aimed at 4YL, 5YL and 6YL students, who had to register previously for the talk. There will be more talks to come!