On Saturday, May 25th, a delegation of 19 students attended CMUN, a Model United Nations conference hosted by Instituto Crandon.
In addition to addressing the difficult situation in Venezuela, Tibet and Western Sahara, some other topics debated during the day included:
- Illegal arms trade
- Money laundering
- Preservation of historical heritage
- Gender disparity in politics
- Stateless people and birth registration
- Population control policies
We congratulate all participants, and extend a special recognition to:
Our new club delegates: Juan Bautista Beyhaut (Y4L), Josefina Gorlero (Y1L), Bautista Martínez (Y3L) and Francisco Sequeira (Y2L).
Paulina Cassoni (Y6L) and Ignacio Monsuárez (Y3L), whose resolutions passed.
Dylan Fairless (Y4L), Francesca Ferrari (Y4L), Agustin López (Y3L) and Juan Sequeira (Y4L), who chaired the debate with enthusiasm and commitment.