

Uruguay inscribed on UNESCO's World Heritage List

Fray Bentos Industrial Landscape

Located on land projecting into the Uruguay River west of the town of Fray Bentos, the industrial complex was built following the development of a factory founded in 1859 to process meat produced on the vast prairies nearby. The site illustrates the whole process of meat sourcing, processing, packing and dispatching. It includes buildings and equipment of the Liebig Extract of Meat Company, which exported meat extract and corned-beef to the European market from 1865 and the Anglo Meat Packing Plant, which exported frozen meat from 1924. Through its physical location, industrial and residential buildings as well as social institutions, the site presents an illustration of the entire process of meat production on a global scale. (Photographer: Iain Kemp)

Read more: http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1464

Museo de Sitio (Vea más: Museo en 360°)

El Museo de la Revolución Industrial administra y gestiona lo que es un auténtico Museo de Sitio, conformado dentro del Recinto Fabril y el barrio histórico, integrado todo dentro del Sistema Patrimonial Industrial Liebig´s Anglo.
Están dentro de la administración y coordinación del Museo, y son visitados por el público dentro de las visitas guiadas del nuevo Plan de Público, importantes secciones y recintos industriales de la Fábrica. Si bien ya se visitan muchos e importantes secciones, dentro del Plan de Obras se planifica incorporar otras, según se grafica y detalla a continuación.

Lea más: http://paisajefraybentos.com/pc/museo-de-sitio/

Published by Senior Library