Celebrating Greece
The first in a series of ‘International Food Days’ planned for 2016 will take place tomorrow - Thursday, 21st April.
A collaborative initiative by the School Nutritionist, Modern Languages Department and the Parents’ Committee in cooperation with the Catering Service: the aim is to promote international-mindedness by celebrating different cultures through food.
‘Celebrating Greece’ is the theme for the School Menu on Thursday, 21st April:
Main Dish | Option |
Moussaka, Salad Selection, Nut cake, Bread | Roast Beef with Vegetable Purée, Salad Selection, Nut Cake, Bread |
Variations on moussaka are found throughout the Mediterranean and Balkans, but the iconic Greek baked dish is based on layering: sautéed aubergine, minced meat fried pureed tomato, onion, garlic and spices like cinnamon and allspice, a bit of potato, and then a final fluffy topping of cheese and béchamel sauce.
Click image for more recipes
Grecia está situada en el sureste de Europa, su territorio está formado por dos penínsulas y cientos de islas en el Mar Egeo y el MarTirreno. Fue la cuna de la civilización occidental y en su capital Atenas se conservan vestigios de su increíble desarrollo en el siglo V AC como la Acropolis y el Partenón, También Grecia es famosa por sus playas, las arenas volcánicas de Santorini y por la isla de Mykonos.