Celebrating Greece

The first in a series of ‘International Food Days’ planned for 2016 will take place tomorrow - Thursday, 21st April. 

A collaborative initiative by the School Nutritionist, Modern Languages Department and the Parents’ Committee in cooperation with the Catering Service: the aim is to promote international-mindedness by celebrating different cultures through food.


‘Celebrating Greece’ is the theme for the School Menu on Thursday, 21st April:

Main Dish


Moussaka, Salad Selection, Nut cake, Bread

Roast Beef with Vegetable Purée, Salad Selection, Nut Cake, Bread


Variations on moussaka are found throughout the Mediterranean and Balkans, but the iconic Greek baked dish is based on layering: sautéed aubergine, minced meat fried pureed tomato, onion, garlic and spices like cinnamon and allspice, a bit of potato, and then a final fluffy topping of cheese and béchamel sauce. 



Click image for more recipes


Grecia está situada en el sureste de Europa, su territorio está formado por dos penínsulas y cientos de islas en el Mar Egeo y el MarTirreno. Fue la cuna de la civilización occidental y en su capital Atenas se conservan vestigios de su increíble desarrollo en el siglo V AC como la Acropolis y el Partenón, También Grecia es famosa por sus playas, las arenas volcánicas de Santorini y por la isla de Mykonos.