The British English Olympics (BEO) is an exciting academic contest targeted to the world’s brightest international students. The competition spans just under three weeks and it takes place in prestigious boarding schools in England.

The British Schools has sent two teams, The Poppies and The 21 Free Birds. Led by four teachers from the Senior English Department, thirty eight of our students are currently spending unforgettable weeks in the UK, representing our school and our country, while also enjoying an amazing British cultural experience.

The BEO is focused on educational excellence. It provides an opportunity for our students to read, re-write and perform Shakespeare, to write and perform a song about empathy, charities and fundraising campaigns for the world’s most vulnerable people, to debate about the economical, ecological and social impact of unsustainable tourism, to explore distant cultures such as Belize’s, and to put their public speaking and improvisation abilities to the test. Nonetheless, most of all, the BEO experience is all about learning beyond the classroom. It is a chance to meet teenagers from all over the world and to develop a sense of integration, adaptation and friendly competition.  

All in all, the BEO is an unmissable and enriching experience that will surely provide strong foundations to prepare our students for the challenges of school and life.

The 21 Free Birds:

Team Leaders:  Ms Sol Nemeth and Mr Nicholas Drever

Albanell Etcheverry, Josefina

Barcia, Milagros

Calvo, Facundo

Cao Bogani, Camila

Civetta Pérez del Castillo, Sofía

Conde Quercetti, Pilar

Henderson, Fiona

Martínez Sánchez, Chiara

Meerhoff, Tomás

Milano Mesa, Lucía

Muscio, Ma Guillermina

Myszka, Sol

Navarro, Joaquín

Reicht Tellería, Juan Ignacio

Sapia Tea, Valentina

Stein Muratore, Constanza

Stremmler, Sophia

Trabal, Vicente

Wajner, Martina


The Poppies:

Team Leaders: Ms Victoria Bauzá and Mr Santiago López


Aguirre Blanco, Ma Milagros

Beyhaut, Milagros

Caffera Sueyras, Santiago

Casulo Lapido, Juan Pablo

Denis, Ignacio

Fernández Manhard, Delfina

Gomensoro Hounie, Carmen

Gonzalez Moreno, Felicitas

Heijne, Casper

Ichart Vieytes, Máximo

Ingrey, Sara Cruz

Lyford-Pike, Maia

Melazzi, Clementina

Paullier Rodríguez, Delfina

Raffaelli Vigil, Inés

Ramirez Negro, Felipe

Rivero Delgado, Delfina

Salas, Candelaria

Young, Juan Enrique
