"This morning we went to a chat about recycling. A lady came from the IMM. Her job is to check levels of contamination in the environment and tries to solve the problems when they are too high.
She told us about the importance of recycling and what things can be recycled and what not. There are special places for certain things that should not be thrown in the general rubbish – light bulbs, phones (take to Antel), computers, batteries (they can’t be recycled but you can’t throw because some contaminate the environment) and medicines (take to pharmacies).
38% of waste can be recycled – when the truck collects the containers from the streets, they take them to a place where the rubbish is classified by colour and material. Some things can be reused and those things are taken out, then the things that cannot be recycled are put in the landfill.
Containers in the streets have 3 colours:
Orange = recycle
Green = rubbish
Red = re-use
The lady told us that the most important thing we need to do is to educate people to throw things in the correct places, we must all classify our rubbish!
The talk was very interesting, we learned a lot and now we need to tell all our companions about what she said."
Belen Scasso and Maria Victoria Martinez (Form 5)