F5 PYP Exhibition is here to stay!!!!
On Monday, 31st August, F5 students worked in the unpacking of the transdisciplinary theme HOW THE WORLD WORKS and came up with multiple ideas and perspectives of the theme they each wanted to explore. Students identified their top three or four choices, and using that information the 16 groups were created.
Covid 19 has challenged us in so many ways and the PYP Exhibition is no exception. We had to restructure the way we approach the exhibition process, in order to offer a successful learning experience. To consider the well-being of our community, we had to set clear goals with realistic expectations for families, teachers, and mentors: we defined that our students are our priority.
Expectations are that families will support and accompany their children through the journey, that teachers and mentors will support students in modelling the Learner Profile attributes, demonstrating Approaches to learning and celebrating knowledge throughout the PYP exhibition. We will highlight more than ever the learning process that students will carry out under this new reality.
For F5 past generations, the Exhibition day has been without doubt one of the most memorable aspects of the process. Its big display boards, student performances, oral presentations, and large community celebration were treasured and well-remembered by all participants. The event itself often shapes the entire process and can give a sense that this is the most important part of the PYP Exhibition, when it is really not.
Students will work with their Form 5 teachers and mentors at School and online. This year's PYP exhibition will inevitably look different. Nonetheless, all members will work with the same dedication and enthusiasm during the process.
Stay tuned, more information about the PYP Exhibition will be shared soon.