During the first week of classes, the Junior Library opened up a Poetry Contest for all students from Y4 - Y6. The idea was to get students thinking creatively at the start of a new year. We also wanted to encourage students to be risk-takers by allowing them an opportunity to participate in something they may have never done before. Students were invited to submit a poem, without obligation. Participating students were instructed to write a poem about anything they wanted.

There were no rules or requirements for the contest, except one: the poem must be submitted under a pseudonym to eliminate bias when being judged by the librarians. Students wrote their "nicknames" on a sign-up sheet and submitted their folded-up poems anonymously in a box. After March 17th, we read each poem and chose three winners, Clara Sorrosal from Y6Z, Rafaella de Arteaga and Mercedes Etcheverrigaray from Y5P. 

Winning poems were displayed on the library door and presented to each class in celebration of International Poetry Day on March 21st, and throughout the rest of the week. Other entries were also displayed.

The winners received a signed certificate that states in detail what made each winner exceptional. We were very impressed by all the submissions, and the enthusiasm surrounding the contest and the art form itself!

During the Assembly on Thursday, 30th March, the three winners read their poems aloud.



Winning poems


“The Blue Ladybug” by Clara Sorrosal Y6Z

Once there was a leaf

and that leaf is where the blue ladybug lives,

He was blue as the sky,

but not to mention he was very shy.

"He's weird"

"He's a monster!"

The blue ladybug could hear

the other insects stutter.

Sometimes he wished.

there was someone like him,

someone who knew

how it would feel.

But one day, his dream came true

and he met another insect

who was blue.

"You-you're like me!"

"I-I'm like you!"

And that's when their friendship

began to bloom.

And every day,

even if it's dull,

you should know there's someone

who is the same as you.



“My Trotting Peace” by Rafaella de Arteaga Y5M

Horses gallop through my mind

every time and of every kind.

It hasn't always been like this

they frightened me indeed.

Such immense creatures

seemed like skyscrapers to me.

Strong and voluminous features

made my heart skip a beat.

But the reality was altered

and my perspective changed,

when a very good friend

convinced me how majestic these creatures were.

Their eyes, so wise and full of soul,

ancient wisdom they behold.

Their presence fills the air with peace

and troubles, for a while, have ceased.



“Books” by Mercedes Etcheverrigaray Y5P

I love books, I'm not lying

That's why they are flying

I wanted one to land in my hands

But none of them came


So I started writing one

After that one came, I had fun;

so we started running from here to the sun

We travelled all the bookland,

I saw Rapunzel and the book saw a caterpillar;

I thought he was a killer

But he was only chilling by the river.