Last year, F2C group, in their unit of Inquiry "How we express ourselves" studied the works of famous British author, Julia Donaldson and were curious about her work and her life. Our librarian, Mariana Terra together with Ms Campomar decided to get the students to write a letter to Ms Donaldson, inquiring about some aspects of her life and her books. The letter was sent via mail to Ms Donaldson´s address in UK. This was November 2018.
A few days ago, an envelope addressed to The British Schools with a peculiar sticker and British stamps attached to it, arrived at School. Ms Campomar gathered her last year´s students in the library and they eagerly waited while she opened the letter. They were thrilled to receive a hand written response from the author, stickers for all of them and a beautiful card.
In the era of technology and emails, the value of receiving a written response was priceless. Students learned about the stamps and about the long joruney that the letter had before arriving to them, but the most valued learning experience was maybe that you want to achieve something, you should at least give it a shot. Dream big.