The PYP Form 5 Exhibition took place on Thursday, October 24th. It was lived as a real celebration. The day began with a gathering in the Junior hall from where the audience was then accompanied to the different rooms to participate in the presentations. In mid-morning, before the last performances, there was a relaxing and friendly shared coffee break for F5 families.
The topics illustrated by the exhibition groups were wide-ranging and student research included visits, interviews, surveys and bibliography. The resulting exhibitions were largely based in the view of Social studies, Personal, Social, Physical Education (PSPE), Arts, Language, Science and Technology.
The action component of the exhibition was seen as a key element in developing international-mindedness as students understood and presented their topics in both a global and a local perspective.
When the presentation was over, the whole exhibition team, form teachers, mentors and students shared a lovely lunch by the pool. Finally Mentors gave out a PYP souvenir to each student as closure of the event.
Witnessing our students display the IB learner attributes and attitudes so clearly was heart-warming. They were well equipped to answer the questions the audience asked about their chosen topics and displayed true communication skills as well as being highly knowledgeable. The creativity and integrity on presentations was something to flag up.
The PYP exhibition is a whole junior school community experience. It involves not only the students and Form 5 teachers, but also families, other students in the school and staff in general. We would like to thank all F5 families for their support and involvement during the process and on the Exhibition Day.
Congratulations to everyone involved in this rewarding process. Every Form 5 student deserves a huge acknowledgement for their effort and commitment throughout the learning process. This was collaboration at its finest and was a huge team effort. We are already looking forward to next year’s exhibition.