FORM 5 EXHIBITION DAY - "How the world works"

The purpose of the Exhibition is to display the students’ understanding and to celebrate their success as learners, working within the framework of the PYP programme. It is an opportunity for students to bring together all the subject disciplines and utilise all the transdisciplinary skills they have been learning through their time at School. Mentors and Form Teachers have provided some guidance and support in the form of suggestions and constructive feedback.
As a result of this investigation, the task is for students to inform and inspire other people to think, reflect and act on the issues presented.
The PYP Exhibition has been a little different under the current scenario where we all have to take care of ourselves and others.
This year, The British Schools has hosted its first ever Virtual Exhibition, where Form 5 students will share their understanding of the selected topics and express their ideas, virtually.
Each group has their own website to display research results, interviews, photographs, videos and their chosen action.
It has been a pleasure to see students engaged in their learning and so supportive of each other in the process. We are excited to share these presentations with Form 5 families, Staff and Board of Governors.
Thank you for your continuous support. We hope you enjoy the Exhibition as much as we have!