Preparation for the F5 PYP Exhibition HOW THE WORLD WORKS is in its final stage..
The F5 PYP Exhibition process is all about student choice, voice and taking ownership of their learning. It is about learners having opportunities to find and think about problems and explore real issues that matter to them.
In the last few days before the PYP Exhibition, everyone is more excited than usual!
As you walk through the Form 5 corridor you can see evidence of real learning taking place.
There are groups of students collaborating in open spaces or in large, airy classrooms as they work and interact among themselves.
This is a special year for all of us, students adapted very well to “the new reality” and followed protocols as they researched in books, in Chromebooks, interviewed experts in Google Meet, created surveys and thought creatively about how to apply them, sent emails to different organisations and did tests and ran experiments in the Junior School Lab.
Students, Form teachers and Mentors have enjoyed every stage of this learning process, working together as a real team.Now it is time to round up investigations and make conclusions to frame the presentations.
On the 22nd October, 100 F5 students will be able to speak confidently about the knowledge they have acquired, show the skills they have mastered, demonstrate how their thinking has changed and how their understanding has deepened. All this will also show what they have learned about themselves as learners.
We are creating a site where parents will be able to see the evidence of the process and enjoy watching students' final presentations.
Form 5 parents will receive a digital invitation with a link to access F5 PYP Exhibition 2020 after the internal presentation that is taking place on the 22nd October.