EYC - Symbolic play

Making sense about the world around them
When we think of childhood, we think of play. Play is children´s natural activity and is through play they know and understand the world around them.
In the Early Years, play is the main vehicle to teach and learn. We have created different learning spaces to promote play, which makes learning meaningful for our students.
The shared area is a dynamic zone that changes according to the Unit of Inquiry in progress. Children take on different roles and enact real-life experiences, they use props and make-believe to deepen their understanding about the world; they develop specific vocabulary, which is important for a fluent communication, they learn to cooperate with others, to solve problems, and to think abstractly. All fundamental skills for a child´s development.
“I can grow big and strong” is the name of the current Unit of Inquiry, and the shared area has turned into a Hospital! Kinder students are inquiring into healthy habits, the body and of course, and very importantly for them, what happens when we get sick. They pretend they are doctors, patients, busy secretaries and receptionists. Some of them share they experiences, others their fears and prior knowledge. This is such a meaningful Unit considering the current sanitary situation, and how important it is to provide students with the opportunities to understand it through play. This year more than ever, we can grow big and strong!