A truly musical week!

Visit to Stella Maris
On Tuesday, 4th September, some of our F4 and F5 students had the opportunity to participate in the Encuentro Musical at the Stella Maris Christian Brothers campus. Ensembles from Stella Maris, Santa Elena, and Jesús María schools also performed. From The British Schools, the F4 Choir sang Hakuna Matata and Doo-ba, two of the songs they have been preparing with the choir. A group of F5 girls performed a dance they have been working on outside of school hours. Both ensembles did a wonderful job representing The British Schools.
Choir concert
To celebrate the hard work and dedication of the students who are part of the F2 to F6 Choirs, there was a Concert held in the Junior Hall on Thursday, 6th September. The School families were invited to attend this excelent event.
Ellen Jacoby's Memorial Service
On Saturday, 8th September, the F5 & F6 Choir sang at Ellen Jacoby’s Memorial Service which took place at the Cathedral of The Most Holy Trinity.