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School Communications

Communication is essential in creating positive relationships between the School and the community. Parents are encouraged to stay informed about their children’s academic progress and important School events. In order to comply with this, the School has several channels of communication in place.

It is important to note that the School uses a unified automated email sending platform, so when a user decides to unsubscribe to any specific mail, he/she unsubscribes to the platform as a whole, therefore, he/she will not receive any emails from the School.  


TBS APP is a mobile application created to provide a faster link between parents and the School. Every email that is sent is also sent through the app, therefore notifying parents immediately. The app also redirects parents to other relevant tools: School menu, PE & Sport Calendar, Reports, etc. 


Siged is a platform that enables parents to stay in track of the academic progress of their child. Upon a student's entrance at School, every parent receives a username and password that will enable them both to access SIGED and the website. In SIGED, parents can download their child's report, view and modify family data and check any messages sent by the School.  


The School's website is one of the most important sources of updated information in the School. The web is password protected hence all the private information regarding School activities and student´s photographs remain within the School community.  The web contains the latest updated Whole School calendar, sport dates, etc.

Communication Book (EY - Y5)

The “Communication Book”, is used by teachers and parents to send messages to and from School. Students will take it home every day.

Parents should SIGN every time there is a message from the teacher/School so that we know it has been read. The School should be kept informed of any changes to daily routines, family or home arrangements, as well as emergency contact details. This is the main channel between parents and teachers for daily communication. 

Seesaw (PK - Y5)

Seesaw is an online remote learning and communication platform designed for teachers, students and parents. Through this app, families can view their child's learning process through photos, videos, drawings, and notes. At the beginning of the year, each teacher will send an invite for parents to create an account in Seesaw and to log into their child’s classroom. 

Families will only have access to their child's journal. 

Schoology (Y6 onwards)

Schoology is a virtual classroom for students where parents have monitoring and follow-up permissions. Communications directly related to student learning, such as coursework, homework, projects, are sent via ‘Schoology’.  Students, parents, and staff have password protected access.

Weekly Email

In a School-wide effort to minimise the amount of emails sent, general information and news are sent on Thursdays through the Weekly Update: a newsletter oriented to commenting on past and upcoming events, highlighting student achievements and other generalities. 

More specific information which is not of a general nature is sent to parents accordingly. 

School publications

The School issues yearly publications such as the Yearbook (February) and Annual Report which explore in a general light student achievements and experiences and an overview of life at The British Schools during the stated year.  

Parent Teacher Conferences (PTC)

Usually Parent Teacher Conferences are held twice a year for Junior and once for Senior. These are usually in May for Junior and Senior and September for Junior. The dates of these conferences are announced at the beginning of the year. PTC are designed for parents and teachers to come together in order to discuss the child’s progress at School and to work as a team to find solutions to academic issues or other concerns (if any).